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online women's community

Join me and a community of incredible women, as we gather, with open hearts, to create a
space within which we ALL can be held.
Held in a way that we may express ourselves authentically.
Held to feel deeply into all that arises.
Without judgement, only unity.
We come together to build each other up during a time of great transition, where these intimate connections are most needed.

Within these transformative times, you may find yourself looking for a space in which to
Where you can join in gathering, to share and communicate your thoughts, hearts truth and
experiences with others who are open and receptive.
If you are drawn towards joining me and an incredible community of women as we share
our voices, tap into our womb intelligence, and delve further into our journeys, my Online
Communal Space - is here to allow you to feel held, supported and
connected as we transition through these unprecedented times.

The Voice & Womb Community Includes ​


  • Being part of a lifelong community of women who will embrace and support you.

  • Connect with members of the community through direct messaging.

  • Monthly calls to come together, dive deeper, share and ask questions.

  • Opportunities to share your gifts and medicine within the community. We are here to support each other, co-create, give and receive. 

Community Platform

  • Our community platform is accessed through a private Telegram group, which can be accessed by filling out the form below. 

Gifting Economy

Your donation is an act of love. Your donations are greatly appreciated and go towards our guest speakers, facilitators and growing community. Your donation is an investment in yourself. 

Deciding on your donation:  Pay what you feel. What you give you receive, its a universal law. 

To Join our Free community, 
Fill in the form below!

Thanks for submitting!
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